2 Attention Canadians
As a proud Canadian citizen (Seriously, I friggin;' love this cold-ass country), some recent developments have given many of us some pause for concern:

Familiar with this little gem about to be passed? Let me just detail a small number of changes this will entail for Canadians.  Direct from the source, check this out and prepare to piss yourself with rage:

We're not just talking about a few safe, fair changes to help reduce unlawful copyright infringement here.  We're talking about someone else telling you what you can and cannot do with the very things you own.  Things you've bought and are now apparently being told you've lost your right to.  Want to back up that game you bought for your own collection to avoid your XBox eating it? Tough.  That music CD you bought that you want to back up to your own computer (NOT for uploading/torrents, merely personal use)? Fined.  The EBook copy of your favourite novel that you want to back up so you can read it on other machines? Screw you.

If you even remotely care about some stranger in office telling you what you can and can't do with your own property (and within present confines of fair law, obviously), then you owe it to yourself to spend a moment filling in a short, pre-written form to your local MP.  It literally takes less than a minute:

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2 Responses
  1. GingerBest Blogger Tips Says:

    Just wanted to let you know you've been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award. http://prisonmarriage.blogspot.com/2012/02/its-honor-to-be-considered.html

  2. ErikaBest Blogger Tips Says:

    Wow, thank you :D It's a real honor.

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